Responsible beach behavior learning station
The beach needs a station building that has all the rights and wrong actions done at the beach with the consequences of each action done on the beach, where every visitor has to go every time they go to the beach for the day so they are educated about all the consequences of their actions they do at the beach the whole entire time they are visiting the beach area including boardwalk stores, restaurants, lounging stays, swimming behaviors, their consumption behaviors, language behaviors too with the spirit consequences of each action to not just talk about the bad behavior but actually how all their actions could affect everyone and the environment around them at the beach and in the city. they would have to have a way of knowing they went to the class at the beach before doing any actions on the beach and or city, it doesn't have to be a picture. it can be a sign in or a wrist band or cellphone number or car number. They also need to learn the laws in the area too so they know the laws in the area. They can"t just be given a booklet at the beach of all their responsibility of beach visitor behavior because not everyone would really read that booklet. some could lie and look like they read it or, heard it and or sign they read it. they have to have questionaire test about the material discussed and learned about the material where someone actually makes sure they actually have all the questions answered correctly and not just a skim look and check off like they skimmed it and let go because the actions they do at the beach is important for all especially when it seems like it only affects one person at first but it really affects more than one person at some point.
Staff feedback
We appreciate your desire to make the beach experience a positive one for all. Your suggestion will be shared with city staff and the Board of Commissioners.

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