Stormwater Management – Why It’s Increasingly Important
The impacts of global warming and sea level rise are becoming more clear and occurring more frequently. And as a coastal city, Rehoboth Beach is more vulnerable to those impacts. Stormwater management will be increasingly important to climate resiliency and to effectively addressing rising seas levels, heavier rainfalls, and other impacts of global warming.
The stormwater from Rehoboth Beach flows into our lakes and the Atlantic Ocean. As a resort community heavily dependent on tourism, it’s imperative that we ensure that our lakes are healthy, the ocean clean, and our beach pristine.
Effective stormwater management is not an inexpensive undertaking, and the City of Rehoboth Beach has identified several capital projects that will improve how our community manages stormwater, the water from rain or melting snow that runs off properties into lawns, streets, lakes, and the ocean – often bringing pollutants along with it. The city does not have sufficient funding in its general budget to effectively maintain and enhance stormwater tools and facilities. That’s why it is considering establishing a stormwater utility.
More than 2,000 communities across the nation have established stormwater utilities to provide stable and adequate funding to address stormwater management issues such as:
- aging infrastructure
- erosion and flooding
- water quality
- climate change impacts
- preservation of property values.
Effective stormwater management:
- reduces pollutants that reach surface waters
- reduces flooding risks
- protects people and property
- supports a healthy ocean and lakes
- protects wildlife habitats
- increases a community’s quality of life.