Stakeholder Survey Results
The traffic & parking stakeholder survey was live from October 24-November 26, 2023. The survey received a total of 665 responses, all of which were shared with the city's traffic and parking study consultant, Rossi Group. Below is a synopsis of survey results.
1. As mentioned above, competing demands vie for limited space in the downtown Rehoboth Beach core area. How would you prioritize the following uses for space allocation? Rank options from 1-4 with 1 being the top priority.
Options Avg. - Rank
Pedestrian accessible areas - 2.00
Vehicular parking in the downtown core area - 2.02
Delivery/drop-off/pick-up parking - 2.93
Bike, scooter, and other micro-mobility accommodations - 3.01
2. Of the following, which do you believe contributes most to parking challenges in Rehoboth Beach? Rank options 1-6 with 1 being the biggest contributor to challenges and 6 being the smallest.
Options Avg. - Rank
Lack of turnover at existing spaces - 2.53
Insufficient alternatives to parking in the commercial core - 2.75
Delivery vehicles blocking parking spaces - 3.50
Inadequate information about available permit parking types, prices, locations - 3.59
Inadequate information about available metered parking locations - 3.65
Lack of enforcement of illegal/improper parking - 4.80
3. Of the following, which do you believe contributes most to traffic congestion in Rehoboth Beach? Rank options 1-4 with 1 being the biggest contributor to congestion and 4 being the smallest.
Options Avg. - Rank
Total number of motor vehicles (volume of cars) - 1.67
Insufficient infrastructure/capacity for motorized vehicles - 2.32
Insufficient alternative transportation options and related infrastructure - 2.67
Delivery vehicles loading and unloading in travel lanes (not using loading zones) - 3.29
4. If you believe that there are additional contributing factors to parking challenges and traffic congestion in Rehoboth Beach, not listed in the questions above, please list them here.
291 text responses were received. Common themes among responses included:
- Insufficient parking
- Overdevelopment/too populated
- Lack of public transportation options
- Poor traffic signalization/operations
- Not enough bicycle/pedestrian facilities
- Need for improved parking signage and marking
5. Prioritize your support for the following potential parking solutions. Rank options 1-5 with 1 being your top priority.
Options Avg. - Rank
Additional parking in downtown Rehoboth Beach (i.e., a parking garage) - 1.96
Enhanced shuttle/transit options from offsite parking - 2.46
Better signage/promotion of metered and permit parking areas - 3.33
Striping parking spaces in permit areas where spaces are not currently marked - 3.41
Expanding metered parking areas into existing permit areas beyond commercia core - 3.69
6. Prioritize your support for the following potential transportation solutions. Rank options 1-5 with 1 being the top priority.
Options Avg. - Rank
Enhanced shuttle/transit options - 2.14
Enhanced crosswalk safety measures - 2.54
Enhanced destination wayfinding signage noting parking areas, parks, points of interest - 2.83
Shared lane/biking markings or signage - 3.51
Enhanced traffic-calming measures - 3.82
7. What additional potential parking and transportation solutions would you suggest?
285 text responses were received. Common themes among responses included:
- More parking
- More public transportation
- Improvement of bicycle/pedestrian facilities
- Incentivize metered parking turnover
- Increased traffic calming and enforcement
8. How many blocks would you be willing to walk from parking to your destination?
9. What would make you more comfortable or encourage you to walk in Rehoboth Beach?
434 text responses received. Common themes among responses included:
- Already walk, no improvements needed
- Wider, safer sidewalks and crosswalks
- Motorist enforcement and education
- Improved signage for pedestrian facilities
- Better street lighting
- Fewer cars
- More sidewalks and crosswalks
10. What would make you more comfortable or encourage you to bike in Rehoboth Beach?
460 text responses received. Common themes among responses included:
- Nothing
- Fewer cars
- More bike lanes
- Separated bicycle-only facilities
- Better signage/markings
- Motorist education/enforcement
11. What would motivate you to park at a public transit stop/offsite parking lot and use a shuttle to get to your downtown destination?
474 text responses received. Common themes among responses included:
- Low cost or free service
- Frequent stops
- Nothing
- Consistent, reliable schedules (easily accessible)
- Free parking
- Space for beach gear, strollers/car seat